Our employees are our biggest strength which is why we are proud members of Investors in People.
We recently underwent our review and I am pleased to say that we have successfully retained our accreditation for another 3 years.
Our accreditation means that every single person is involved in supporting each other and is doing their best to make work better. Our employees are part of a community of people who know how important good work is.
The assessment was a great opportunity to hear what our staff really think, a few of the core statements to come from it are…
People believe NFS invests in people through attention to development, provision of good quality equipment, tools, uniforms and vehicles.
There are very good relationships and support at team level.
There is a strong perception that NFS really cares about it’s people, this has been especially focused on during the COVID-19 pandemic with calls to all staff, including those furloughed.
People are proud to work for NFS and believe it is a great place to work.
Health and Safety is a paramount focus in NFS, and is perceived as part of your culture and attention to it is part of what is expected in terms of behaviour.
We would just like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their hard work and their continued commitment to making Neil Foundations a great place to work.